Running Away

21 Aug

I’m going to be leaving the country from the 24th until the 28th. I have spent the last four plus months healing. You would think that would qualify as relaxing. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t even come close to a vacation. I’ve spent that time either 1) Drugged out of my mind or worrying about 2) Complications 3) Infections 4) Random Health Disasters and/or 4) Family Shit I Just Don’t Want To Think About Anymore

So on a whim Ken booked us a cruise to the Bahamas so that we can both unclench. I plan on spending four days doing nothing more than relaxing. My goal is to achieve a jello-like state and be completely out of touch with the rest of the world.

We have been so tense and stressed for so long that we need a get away like this. I’ll take pictures and put them on my personal Facebook page when we get back.

We will also be at DragonCon so I’ll be gone again Sept. 3-8. for a major Geek Fest!!

I’m also going to apologize in advance again. The upcoming blog posts are going to be harder and more emotional for me to write so there will probably be some delays ad inconsistencies in how frequently I post for a while.

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Posted by on August 21, 2009 in Uncategorized


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